$97.00 USD

Course Refund Policy

Students who register for a training course occasionally change their mind for one reason or another.

Regardless of the reason, we believe there should be a definite refund policy for students who decide not to take the course. Refunds for online courses are only given under the following circumstances:

The student/user did not access any portion of the online course and/or meeting links AND the student/user requests a refund, in writing via email within three business days from the date of the registration (email notification sent).

There will be no refunds for any online courses once a course has been accessed in any manner.

A full refund will be issued less an administrative fee of $50.

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The Ultimate Business Credit Blueprint- HOLIDAY SALE!


Was $497


Looking for funds to start or scale your business?

Maybe you need access to capital to invest in cashflowing assets like Real Estate, Turo vehicles, etc?

Regardless of your industry, leveraging business credit is the secret to 10x your business!

Now is your chance to learn it all!🙌

Unlock The Ultimate Business Credit Blueprint to build a credit profile outside of your own, Access $100k+ in funding, & leverage it to achieve financial freedom!  


 What's Included: 

  • The Ultimate Business Credit Blueprint
  • How to properly structure your business for maximum funding
  • Where to get No PG Business Funding
  • No Doc Lenders List
  • Restricted Industries List
  • Understanding Your NAICS code
  • The Relationship Banking Blueprint
  • Business Credit scores explained
  • Lifetime Access To Course Updates


 Don't take my word for it, see what my students are saying!!